We’re Ready For You!

Over the past 5 years, we have completed several major construction projects on our 50 acre property in order to provide groups an ideal setting to serve. We love hosting groups, sharing the beauty of Ecuador, and watching our guests build relationships with our sweet children who have endured so much.

We are very intentional to make sure we host groups with a heart to invest in this mission for the long term as it allows the team members to build real relationships with these children and watch them grow into young men and women. We currently have capacity to host more groups and would love to have a conversation with you to see if it is a good fit!

Explore the pictures and learn more below! If you’re interested, email Carter@HOH.ec today!


Hacienda of Hope Mission Trip FAQs!

  • Description text goes hereEach day is filled with purpose and joy! Here’s the usual schedule:

    • Breakfast – Start your day with a delicious meal!

    • Devotional time – Reflect and prepare for a meaningful day.

    • Work project – Use your talents to make a difference!

    • Lunch & Rest – Recharge for the fun ahead.

    • Activity Prep & Games with the Children – Plan and enjoy heartwarming activities with the Hacienda kids.

    • Dinner – Share a meal in the casas and connect.

    • Evening Devotional – Wrap up the day with reflection, either with the Hacienda family or your group.

  • Most groups stay for 5-6 nights, which is perfect for getting a work project done, enjoying a day of sightseeing, and spending fun-filled afternoons with the Hacienda children! If your group wants to do more sightseeing, a 7-night stay is highly recommended. We LOVE for our groups to see as much of beautiful Ecuador as possible!

  • The possibilities are endless! We tailor the projects to match your group’s unique talents and skills. Some of the exciting projects we’ve done in the past include:

    • Building playgrounds – who doesn’t love creating a space for kids to play?!

    • Paving roads – improving the community with every step!

    • Hosting VBS – bringing smiles and faith to children’s lives!

    • Dental & Optometry Services – making a lasting impact on health!

    • Painting murals – adding color and creativity to the community!

    • Sewing projects – crafting curtains, clothes, and more!

    • Baking cakes – sweet celebrations for birthdays!

    • Sports weeks – running, laughing, and playing all day!

  • We recommend groups of 20-25 people. This size lets everyone bond, grow, and truly connect with the Hacienda of Hope children.

    We can host larger groups too! Just know that groups over 30 might miss out on the personal connection that makes this experience so special. The magic happens in those one-on-one moments!

  • The group leader sets the tone for an incredible week! Leaders who encourage their group to focus on serving others help create life-changing experiences. It’s all about coming together to serve with love and excitement! A positive, motivated leader helps make the week full of joy, growth, and inspiration!

  • We keep it simple! There’s a flat fee between $600-750 that covers food, lodging, and transportation to and from the airport.

    Each person also contributes to the cost of the project – and anything extra goes directly to the ongoing support of the Hacienda of Hope. Your investment goes straight to making a difference!

  • The group leader is in charge of booking airfare into Quito Intl Airport, but don’t worry – we’re here to help with tips and guidance to make the process smooth and easy. We'll also help you coordinate airport transportation and make sure you’re all set for an amazing trip!

  • Expect an unforgettable week! From the hands-on projects to the heartfelt connections with the kids, every moment will be filled with purpose and joy. You’ll leave feeling physically tired but spiritually FULL!