The Hacienda of Hope began in 2002 with the focus of providing for children who needed a safe place to call home. Through the years it has become a legalized foundation that not only offers a home but, also an education and spiritual formation for children who otherwise would have fallen through the cracks.


Hacienda of Hope is made of four casas, each with a set of house parents and a maximum of ten children. The casas are created to provide a family atmosphere for the children during this incredibly hard time of being separated from their family. Each child is provided with a specialized behavior and academic plan developed by a team of psychologists, social workers and educators who work on campus. Best practice is implemented in all areas from house parent trainings, child counseling, parent counseling, education and spiritual formation. 

The Hacienda works with the Ecuadorian government to provide a safe haven for children who have been abused and neglected. However, the work doesn´t stop there. After receiving a child, HOH seeks out the child´s family and begins intensive parenting classes and therapies to teach the parents how to become a safe and secure family. The main goal with every child received is to place them back with family whenever possible.

Due to the circumstances from which most children at HOH come, they often arrive at the Hacienda very behind academically. The public-school system in Ecuador lacks in the ability to provide adequate leveling for children who are behind, therefore the Hacienda of Hope Christian Academy was created to provide both a quality education and leveling assistance for the children who need it.

Through the years, it has been evident that God has bigger plans than we can imagine. A home that housed the same 16 children for its first ten years grew to providing a safe place for 40 children in the last five years. A school that began for those same 16 children now provides a high level of education for over 260 children.